Sunday, May 24, 2009

Culinary Inspirations

I often tell my mom that I need a wife. She usually laughs, especially now that I am one. I try to explain to her that with working full-time, teaching dance, and every other thing Matt and I seem to be busy with that there is no time to cook a decent meal on a regular basis. There are so many nights that one or both of us gets home way past dinner time and so we just scrape up whatever is quick and easy. I tell myself I will do much better on the weekend, but lack of planning ahead usually results in a less than perfect meal. This is one of the main reasons I hate grocery shopping. I write a list for a few regular purchases, but usually end up wondering, "What am I going to make?" as I wander up and down the aisles. I have great aspirations of being one of those wives and moms that plans my menu out for 1 or 2 weeks at a time and then shopping for the needed supplies. Baby steps are imperative though. I came across a great website and hopefully it will help out some. I know planning is key, but there will still be nights where that may not be possible. Enter Supercook. I still need to try it out, but the idea is to make a list of ingredients you already have in your kitchen and Supercook does the rest. It compiles recipes, from various websites, that can be made with your ingredient list. Why didn't I think of this? It's genius. And I'm sharing it with all of you. And if you check my sidebar you will also see a couple of other links for cooking websites/blogs that have inspired me or been recommended by others. Any others I should know about?

My parents are both wonderful cooks and I would like to think that someday my future children will say the same about me. As it stands right now, all they have to go on is chocolate chip cookies, a great recipe I found for homemade macaroni and cheese, and great tastes in restaurants. It's a start.


The Family said...

I don't even think supercook could help me make a meal with what's in my house right now. I too need a wife. I've told my husband he's more than welcome to practice polygamy but he won't go for that. Anyhow, love your blog and love you. xoxox

Kristin Sokol said...

My heart is swelling with pride for your hubby. You go Matt! Well on your way to being an excellent husband, father, and provider. Gold stsr on your forhead.

Az Kelms said...

That is so exciting for you hubby to be an official graduate. It is so great when your loved one does something so big like that. I bet that you are so proud. I know that I was when my husband graduated. Thanks for the newest website. I can't wait to try it out. I HATE grocery shopping.

Andersons said...

I'm pretty sure I had this idea a year ago! I'm glad someone made it a reality.