Sunday, January 25, 2009

A change has done me good!

I started my new job last Monday and after only a week the decision to leave my old job, for one that pays me a lot less, continues to feel like the right one. For those of you who weren't aware I had even changed jobs, I am now working as a web marketer for an ad agency downtown. This is new territory for me, but I am learning a lot and feel the skills I am learning will be a great asset to me in the future. Who knows, with all the SEO and social media skills Matt is also exploring with his internship maybe one day we can start our own business.

Top things I love about the new job:

1. Bagel Fridays- This is our weekly staff meeting and although we had muffins this week it is nice to be in a meeting where only good news is shared.
2. My sweet 24-inch Mac.
3. An office where the IT guy actually knows how to fix a computer problem.
4. Toilets that flush, an actual breakroom, and a receptionist to cover the phone during lunch.
5. Wearing jeans everday if I want
6. Riding an elevator to the office
7. Having actual work to do and feeling like I am contributing to something of real value, instead of made-up busy work.

I miss my peeps at the old place and know we will stay in touch, but in this case the grass really is greener on the other side.


Misty Moncur said...

That's so awesome! I hope it works out for you. It's strange, isn't it, when the Spirit tells you to do something that logic says will fail? It sounds way fun; I'm totally jealous!

Kristin Sokol said...

You go girl. Take a stand! I'm proud of you. Next year, you and me Sundance.

Chris and Tiffiney said...

I am glad that you are happy with your new job, and I am glad that it and Matt have pushed you to work on the better team (Go Apple). Now if only I can find my new job…

Daisie said...

I am so glad you are loving it! That is so so so great!! Good Luck1

Andersons said...

We talked so much about whether it would be worth it, I can't believe there was even a question! I am very happy for you!